Arkib untuk save gaza campaign

save gazza

Posted in Uncategorized with tags on Februari 20, 2009 by o.r.e.o

oh hadpet opps..update blog. its been a while i didn’t hapdet my blog. been busy with studying and mid-term. katanya.

little while ago. i went to save gazza campaign held in UKM, took place at DAM, i’m sure ukmers will familiar the venue. not much, most likely they were discuss bout jews, reason why they were attacking palestine, and saddest part is when they showing the picture of the victim of the war.

they were kids, womens, and civilan.. no armed but they were attacked and killed by the missiles, and there is one pic showing that quite bizarre which is a little kid throwing tiny rock toward massive tank passing him. he show his bravery even he know he wont crush the tank with it. hmm..poor little kid, wonder is he still breathing these day.

the thing is, of course no one of us will go and fight the Israel ourself, jihad not only take place when we go for war. at least we can do is ‘jihad ekonomi’. boycott goods made in Israel, America and all the contributors toward Israel . i know most of us love KFC and Pizza Hut so much, and lots of reason will be given, why should boycott, KFC is just franchisor and when we boycott franchisor which is run by Malaysian we were likely make our own man bankrupt.

dude, i tell ya. that just wrong, maybe it is the good time for our government to take a brilliant action maybe some discussion with JCorp to produce our own product and avoid the use of their product. jgn duk bagi sumbangan utk israel buat peluru bedil umat islam sendiri.pukimak punya zionis. kat sana tuh ada Aqsa, kita punya 1st kiblah, israj-mikraj pun berlaku kat sana. kita berhutang dgn org pelestin yg duk jaga kita punya tempat suci. even jewish (orthodox) sendiri menentang kekejaman rejim zionis. tepuk dada tanya selera.

ok.sekian saja bebelan ini,kang makin parah. yg baik dr Allah yg buruk dtg dr diri sy sendiri.mana yg baik dijadikan panduan dan yg buruk dijadikan teladan.wasalam.
